Monday, March 5, 2012

Surgery Update

As I stated in an earlier post, Eva was originally scheduled to have her first surgical procedure on her eyes this Thursday, March 8th but due to insurance issues we have had to postpone that surgery until Thursday, May 3rd.

At first insurance was telling us, the hospital, our insurance agent, etc. that Eva's condition was not covered and that NONE of her surgeries would be paid for by them!  Fortunately, with a lot of prayer and continued effort by our agent and the hospital, one small loophole was found and we received preapproval on Friday.  It just wasn't soon enough to be able to move forward this Thursday.

I usually hate prolonging the inevitable but in this case I'm relieved to have some more time.  Please continue to keep her, the doctors and us in your prayers!

Friday, March 2, 2012


With the boys having a few days off school last week for President's Day and Mardi Gras, we decided to take advantage of the long weekend and go on a little vacation aboard the Carnival Triumph and cruise to Mexico!
We had a blast traveling with our friends Jack, Monette and their youngest son, Sam!  Sam and Noah are only a few months apart in age and have pretty much been friends since they were born, so it was fun for all the boys to have someone to hang out with.
We left behind the cold and dreary for the warm and sunny!! Eva loved being on the "big boat", eating all the ice cream she wanted and playing at the beach.  As a matter of fact, when she woke up at home Friday morning to the yucky weather, she looked at me and said "when we going on that big boat again, I want to go back to the beach?"    My thoughts exactly sweet girl...can't wait to do it again!!

OnBoard Fun:


Future Headliner!

Progeso, Mexico:

Cozumel, Mexico:
Paradise Beach, Cozumel
The Ladies on the Beach Loved Eva...Beaded her Jewelry and Braided her Hair
A Beautiful Sunset on a Wonderful 5 Days!!