Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

May your day be filled with the Peace of Christ; the Love of Family and the Joy of Friends!!

"Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord."  Luke 2:11

Thursday, December 16, 2010

FIVE Months (and 5 days)!!

Eva continues to grow and change with each month, and day, that passes!  There have been many highlights over the past month:

I think it safe to say that Eva LOVED her first Thanksgiving...for her it was all about the food!!  We had lunch with my parents and then dinner with David's family.  Eva oohed and aahed over the lavish assortment of eats at her fingertips...she was quite a happy girl!!
She had her 3 month follow-up appointment with the pediatric opthamologist where we were thrilled to learn that her eyes are reacting equally, her vision appears fine, and we don't have to start considering surgical intervention until next summer at the earliest.  However, due to the extent of the procedure required on her lower lids, the physician we have been seeing will not be taking her on as a surgical patient.  So, we begin the search for a new pediatric opthamologist.   With time on our side we will do our research and ask God to guide us to the surgeon that would be best suited for Eva's condition.
As we all know, Eva loves to eat and now she wants to feed herself!  She's been self-feeding by picking things up off her tray, but now she wants the spoon!  As you can see from the photos, she's not doing too bad and does actually get more in her mouth than around it!
Second to her love of eating, is the love of her babies!  She is so good at pretend play.  As I watch her feed, kiss and hold the babies I can't help but wonder if someone modeled this behavior for her?  Is this nuturing something that girls are just born with or was she blessed to have this kind of example early in her life??

This past week, Eva has begun to assume her identity...she points to herself and says "Eva"; or holds her sippy cup and says "Eva's juice"; when getting dressed we put on "Eva's shoes", etc.  She seems to really be getting comfortable with who she is now.
She has also become much more affectionate!  The definite highlight of the past month happened just yesterday at gymnastics.  While she was playing on the trampoline and I was sitting off to the side, she just ran over, threw her arms around me, kissed me and said "I Love You" then ran back off to play.  Talk about melt a mommy's heart and bring tears to my eyes!!
Eva has also become more of a typical two year old; the words "mine" and "share" (meaning only she should play with the toy!) are starting to be a part of her vocabulary.  Even this we are embracing as a positve step in her adjustment. 

She has regressed a little in her sleep.  It took us 6 weeks after getting home to get her to bed without crying, etc. and over the past two weeks she has suddenly begun to not like nap or bedtime; even starting to cry while in the bathtub because she knew what was coming.  She seems more content to sleep in the middle of
our living room floor than in her bed!
We've been happy to give her more hugs and love her through this.  It has gotten better and now she goes to bed easily again, as long as one of us sits in the room with her until she's asleep.  I'm making good use of that time by doing things like updating our blog!!

Overall, Eva is doing better than we ever dreamed.  I have to thank God and everyone who has bathed our
family in prayer.  It continues to be an honor and privilege to watch her bloom each and every day!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Marathon Man

After 3 1/2 months of training, Noah ran his first 1/2 marathon this morning!  I don't know who was more nervous, him or me??  I don't let him ride his bike around the block and here I was sending him on his way for 13.1 miles!!
He's worked really hard for this day and we knew he was prepared, but it's still pretty daunting to stand there waiting to run this far.  Fortunately the weather was beautiful, a little windy, but with temps in the low 60's and some cloud coverage you couldn't ask for much better this time of year. 

It was so hard waiting for him, my heart was beating as hard as if I was running with him!  I've never been so happy to see him as I was when he came around that final turn!!
All of his effort really paid off...he finished in 2:07:37!!
He was the youngest runner at age 10!  His P.E. coach, who has encouraged and supported him all along the way, was there and presented him with this trophy at the end of the run.
And of course we were all there to cheer him on!!  
Noah, I've said it before and I'll say it again, We are so proud of you!!  Your courage and determination are inspiring to us.  Congratulations on a race well run!!

"I raced...I finished...I kept the faith."  2 Timothy 4:7

Saturday, December 4, 2010

It's Beginning to Look alot like Christmas!

I was so excited to spend time this past week decorating for Christmas!  I have always loved this time of the year, but it's extra special this year!!   
Eva had the honor of hanging the first ornament on the kids is a cloisonne mouse/rat that we bought while in China symbolizing the Chinese New Year 2008; the year she was born.
Ornaments on our trees are so special to me.  Whether it be an ornament from one of our vacations, handmade ornaments by the boys, or an ornament we bought that reminded us of something special that had happened during that year...I love seeing them again and reminiscing over the memory that each one recalls.  This year it was extremely special to see the ornaments that we have bought each year as we waited for Eva.  I can't wait to get in the one that I ordered for this year..our Forever Family 2010 ornament!!
Kids Completed Tree

My wonderful friend and neighbor, Mrs. Sue, spent two days helping me decorate!  It either would have taken me a week to do what we did in those days or I may not have ever gotten it all done if left on my own.  Thank you SO much Mrs. Sue!!
Completed Family Tree

Eva got in on more decorating by arranging her own Chinese inspired centerpiece.  It was a coincidence that the chopsticks were left out on the counter while we were setting up.  The next thing we knew, Eva was sticking them in and now the beautiful arrangement sits atop our breakfast table!
This afternoon the boys had their piano recital, so while everyone was dressed for the occasion, we went to take their yearly picture, and Eva's first, with "HoHo" as she calls Santa.  While waiting in line she was smiling and waving to him, but when it was our turn for her to sit on his lap she would have nothing to do with that!
 After a promise of a cookie (imagine that) she reluctantly sat on Noah's lap for a quick pic!!
Eva is loving all of the sights and sounds of Christmas...especially the lights.  We are loving being able to share all of our Christmas traditions with her and creating new memories together!  She loves the Little People Nativity Set and I just watched her give baby Jesus a precious is that?!!  This is what CHRISTmas is all about!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Turkey Day!

For These Blessings We are Most Thankful!!
"Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise;
give thanks to him and praise his name."  Psalm 100:4

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Noah!!

I am not really sure how this happened but our Noah has hit the double digits!!  He's been taunting me with it for months and now it's finally here. 
Ten years ago today, Noah was the answer to our prayers and my heart hasn't beated the same since the day he was born.
He is a wonderful son, an amazing older brother and a good friend.  He is confident, strong willed, out-going, and very kind hearted.  I so admire his drive and determination.  When Noah puts his mind to something, you can be sure he will accomplish it.  He inspires and amazes us everyday!!
As much as it pains me to say....Happy TENTH Birthday Noah!
 We Love You and are SO Proud of You!! 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

FOUR Months!!

Four months ago today we were handed the most beautiful little girl in China!!  Today we are not only celebrating the miracle that she is to our lives, but also the blessing of knowing that she is a citizen of the United States of America!
On this Veteran's Day, it is with grateful hearts that we say "Thank You" to all the men, women, and their families, who have sacrificed so much so that we may enjoy the freedoms of this great nation.
We say a special "Thank You" to our Paw-Paw who served aboard the USS Constellation during the Vietnam War and to Mr. Rod who served during WWII.  Because of your sacrifice, your grandchildren are living in the "land of the free"!
Our thoughts and prayers go out to all who serve today.  Especially with the holidays approaching and those not home to celebrate with their families.  May we not take their sacrifice for granted!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Meeting Paw-Paw B

Since the boys were out of school Monday and Tuesday this week, we decided to take advantage of the long weekend.  David's father hasn't had the chance to meet Eva, so we made the 9 hour drive to Tuscaloosa, Alabama to introduce the two of them.  They seemed to hit it off pretty well.
We also celebrated Halloween while we were there.  The town that we were actually in is very small, but had a community trunk or treat that all of the churches got together and sponsored.  Along with that there were also games, fun jumps and a hayride.  The kids had a really good time!
Strangely, Eva has wanted nothing to do with playing in the grass, not even walking in it, since we have been home with her.  For some reason, this weekend, that changed and they all enjoyed the Fall temperatures playing outside.  She even laid in the grass and let me snap some pics!!
Although a rather quick trip, I am thankful for the time spent with family and for the cooler temperatures outside!  I'm also thankful that we have such awesome travelers!  Since we left late on Friday, we divided the trip up over two days going to Alabama, but coming back we made it home all in one long day.  The boys have their DS's and movies so they are happy and if Eva's not watching the movie with them, she's sleeping or just looking out of the window.  They handle it much better than me!