Monday, May 14, 2012

A New Addition...

Our family has grown by 4 little paws and one wet nose!
This 3 pound, silky furball has already taken over our home and stolen our hearts (all within 72 hours!).  
It's been almost a year since the sudden loss of our beloved Cassie, and although this puppy will never erase her memory, it's so nice to have the pitter-patter of little paws in the house again!!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

One Week Post Op

Today Eva is one week post op and she's healing up very nicely!
The above photo was taken the morning of surgery, and below is how she's looking today:
We're so happy to see more of her beautiful brown eyes!!

Each site appears to be healing well and although she still has some swelling, mainly in the left eye, it looks better each and every day.  It could take a few months before she's able to blink or close her eyes but she's handling that like a trooper; we'll continue to keep them moist with medication.  The only time she cries is when we have to put the medicine in, but even knowing what's fixing to happen, she still hops up on the bed when it's time to do so.

Other than being a little strange for us to check on her while she's sleeping and see her eyes open, it doesn't seem to bother her.  Just the other night before going to bed she asked me if she could close her eyes to sleep and I said that I didn't think so.  She tried to do so by scrunching up her face and quickly realized that she couldn't, so with an "oh well" she laid down and went to sleep!!

We went for our post op appointment yesterday and will go back in 3 months to see if the surgery was a success as far as in correcting her astigmatisms. 

We're so proud of our very brave little girl and thank you all for the prayers!!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Houston Zoo

Eva had a post op appointment today so we decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and let the boys play hookie from school to all go visit the Houston Zoo!
The appointment went well.  She is one week post op tomorrow and has really begun to heal up very nicely.  It still won't be until the first week of August that we know if the surgery corrected the astigmatisms so for now we are hopeful and praying!

The zoo was fabulous...not very crowded and perfect weather!  I won't bore you with a lot of animal pictures, I know you've all seen those before!  But a few special moments of our day were introducing Eva's "Geoffrey" to the real Geoffrey and revisiting a childhood memory of mine.

When Eva was in the hospital last week, the hospital gown she was given to wear had giraffe's all over it and when we took her to Toys R Us the afternoon after her surgery to pick out a "prize" she chose a stuffed giraffe she named "Geoffrey".  Geoffrey has since been going everywhere with us including the zoo; there he met up with a few of his cousins!  Eva and the boys even had the opportunity to feed some of them.

Not only did Eva feed a giraffe, but she actually got down and participated at the petting zoo!
Years ago, I was probably about 8 years old, we visited the Houston Zoo and the following picture was taken:
Much to my delight there is still a Leo the Lion at the zoo!  Immediately when I saw this one I remembered taking the picture, and had to recreate it.  
Of course I took pictures of the kids too in hopes that years from now they'll come back to the zoo with their own children and there will still be a Leo there to greet them!!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Surgery Day

Eva had her first surgical procedure today...a lid lift.  She is so brave and such a trooper!!  Fortunately a dose of Versed before surgery made the transition much easier and less traumatic.  She has some battle wounds and lots of swelling so I won't be posting pictures right now.  

She is doing pain and relatively happy.  We know that she was covered in prayer today and are so thankful to God for answering them.  We just continue to pray for a speedy recovery and that the surgery will be a success.  That by taking the pressure off of her corneas the astigmatisms will be corrected.

Thank you everyone!!