100 Good Wishes Quilt

Dear Family & Friends,

We have been waiting almost 4 years to write this letter and longing to say… "We have a Daughter”!! It is with indescribable joy that we announce the impending adoption of Eva Elizabeth from the People’s Republic of China!! There are no words to describe how we all feel right not except for extremely blessed!!

It has been a long process and one that we would not have made it through without God and the love & support we have received from you. Every time you prayed for us, asked how things were going or just thought about us, has meant more than you can ever know and we would like for Eva to see how much she was wanted and thought about before she came into our family by creating a “Bai Jia Bei” or “100 Good Wishes Quilt”.

This quilt is a tradition in the northern part of China to welcome and celebrate a new life. It is custom to invite 100 people to contribute a single square patch of cloth. The 100 patches are sewn together into a quilt. It is said that the luck, energy, and good wishes from all the families and friends who contributed the fabric surrounds the child when she is wrapped in the quilt. The quilt is then passed down from generation to generation.

We are hoping that you will be able to participate in making Eva’s quilt. If possible, please send a piece of fabric in the size of a 10”x 10” square preferably in 100% cotton as it works best for quilting. Your fabric can be something you choose because it is meaningful to you or something you just think looks fun! We know that once all of the pieces come together the quilt will be a thing of beauty!!

Please also send your good wishes for Eva. This can be on just a regular sheet of paper, stationary, or for my scrapbooking friends, something fancy. Just please make it no bigger than 8 ½ x 11. We would love it if you would include your favorite scripture with your wish. They will all be bound together for a keepsake that she is sure to treasure!

It would be great to get the fabric and notes before April 1st so that the quilt can be completed by June.

As of this writing, Eva is 20 months old, weighs 19 lbs. and has 10 teeth! We are hoping to travel within the next 4 months to bring her home!! We have started a blog that has pictures and will keep it updated throughout the next few months and all during our trip. The blog address is www.berryblessed5.blogspot.com if you would like to follow along.

Lastly, please join us in praying for Eva. Her little life is about to change and we just pray that God would prepare her for what is coming and that her transition into our family would be smooth. Thank you so much for being a part of this amazing time in our lives. We are so blessed to have you all as family and friends!

Love You!