Monday, January 30, 2012

Big Girl!

I'm sure one day my daughter will be a little embarrassed by this post, but it's too precious for a Momma to pass up...our girl is a Big Girl on the Potty!! 

I know this is quite a milestone for any child, but with Eva it feels especially sweet.  Up until a few weeks ago, Eva was literally terrified of the potty!  I'm talking screaming, crying, fear!!  I bought the little pink potty that sits on the floor, a seat for the big potty, etc...but she was scared of it all.  It wasn't until last week, when she got really upset wearing a wet diaper, that I guess the potty didn't seem so bad after all. 

I LOVE watching how proud she is of herself everytime she goes potty.  Her face lights up and her smile is so big!  She has NO problem sharing her excitment with everyone in sight.  Many strangers know more of her business than they probably should!!

Eva's been asking for a bike for a little while now and we were going to get her that for her birthday, but as a reward for such a big accomplishment, we let her go pick one out this past weekend.  Of course she picked pink!!
Way to go Eva...We are SO proud of you!!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome job Eva...what a big girl you are and I love your tricycle!
