Sunday, May 30, 2010

Travel Visas

The next step in our adoption process is to apply for travel visas into China. After finding out that this is done by submitting our passports and visa applications to the Chinese Consulate office in Houston, I decided to do this in person rather than hiring a courier.

On Monday, May 24th, my friend Suzanne and I made the 3 hour drive to drop off the documents. I have to admit that I was very nervous because I had received conflicting information on how to fill out the applications. I actually ended up filling out the forms two different ways and hoped to ask questions to make sure that I left the correct information. The lady working at the office just kept telling me "they are fine," took one of each of the applications with no rhyme or reason for the ones she chose and told me to return on Thursday for pickup. I left with a prayer that everything was in order.

On Thursday, May 27th, Dawn & I made the trek back to Houston to pick up what we hoped would be our completed travel visas...SUCCESS!! Inside these passports are our visas that approve us to enter China multiple times over the next year with a maximum stay of 60 days. Although all we need is one entry, hopefully sometime within the next 6 weeks for a maximum of 21 days, I am thrilled to have all of our bases covered and another step in the process completed! All we need now is a travel date!!


  1. Yippeee! Thanks again for letting our passports tag along! ;) I did a post about all of this on my blog too.

  2. How great to do it in person! So excited for you...and all of us! We are going to China! :)

  3. We received our visas back very recently also... every little step really brings us all closer to the day we meet our daughters! What is your timeline looking like? I do hope we can meet in China! We'll be in Guangzhou the entire time, so hopefully, our trip will overlap somehow!

  4. Kelly?! How did I miss this?? I found out from Angie's blog that you got a referral!! I'm so happy for you! And, will love following your journey to Eva...she's a cutie!!
