Saturday, June 26, 2010

Party Pictures!

I just don't have the words to express how excited I was to open my email today and find birthday party pictures of Eva!! Isn't she just beautiful??!! I am just filled with so much joy and happiness to know that her birthday was celebrated and to see that she looks so well. I can not wait to be the one holding her and celebrating all of her special occasions!!

Our Girl likes Cake!!


  1. Looks like you had a good birthday, sweet little Eva! Can't wait to celebrate your next one with you.

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY EVA! What a cutie! Love, love, love the new pics!!

  3. She is so precious! I'm so glad that you received some pics!! What a blessing!!

  4. God is so good! How exciting! Holly and Eva will be great friends- she likes cake too!
    We are anxiously awaiting to meet her!
    Hugs from the Warner's

  5. Happy Birthday sweet Eva... Glad you like cake....I know your mommy and daddy will have lots of cake for you when they get you home!!! Can't wait!
    Love and Blessings,
    Tammy in MS

  6. Happy birthday to her. What a precious. precious gift.

  7. What a wonderful blessing to have these treasured memories on film for her. Praying for you guys!
