Monday, August 23, 2010


Today Eva & I were finally able to get together with my friend Paula and her two boys, Kai & Will, who has been home with his forever family for about two weeks now!
A little more than four years ago, Paula and I were introduced by our mutual social worker as we were going through the process of preparing our dossiers to China. Living only 20 minutes apart, our families quickly became friends and we have shared all the emotions that this adoption journey would bring. I am still amazed at how God worked everything out that we would have both traveled to China within just a few weeks of each other and that we would be sitting here today with these beautiful children we have waited for so long.

Paula, Thank you for your support and encouragement over the years; but most importantly, for your friendship! I so look forward to watching these two grow up together!!

Tomorrow, Eva will celebrate one month as a U.S. citizen!! She is doing GREAT and has transitioned so easily into life here. She is now calling us Mama and Dada which makes my heart melt everytime I hear!! Her vocabulary continues to grow and she has even picked up some basic signs that I've taught her. All this makes communication much less frustrating; even though David & I are both convinced that she understands everything we's so amazing!

She has developed a love for a particular blanket. Consistently she would go to the drawer and pull out the same blanket; now it just stays with her almost all of the time.

She likes the smell of it;

and I laugh that usually when a 2 year old is quiet you'd better go see what they are in to?! Not Eva, when she's quiet...this is what we find:

usually she's in her room on her soft, pink rug but of course I couldn't get a picture of her there.

All in all she appears happy and to be growing more comfortable each and every day. We are, of course, still feeling tremendously blessed for the gift of these children that God has given us!!

1 comment:

  1. Kelly, I love your updates! It brings tears to my eyes to hear how well Eva is doing and that she is saying Mama and Dada! And, how fun that she has a friend from China so close! God is good!
