Friday, March 11, 2011

EIGHT Months!

Total Cuteness!
I thought since my last post was a little "wordy" that I would keep this one shorter and let you know how, and what, we have been up to this past month with mostly pictures!
A very Happy Valentine's Day with my little loves!
A special cake to celebrate the day from an extra special friend.  Thank you Mrs. Carla!
A new baby to care for and love.

Girl's Lunch
Of course the BEST part of any lunch is dessert; especially when you get to sample from everyone's bowl!

The boys have been asking for month's to try the "jumping thing" at our local mall and much to our surprise while Eva watched her brothers she was adament about trying it herself.  We really didn't think she would like it, especially having to be strapped in, but...she LOVED it!  Is there a little thrill seeker in our princess?!

Playdate with Friends

Hanging out with Chuck E Cheese even though she called him "Mick Mouse" the whole time...I think a trip to Disney is in our near future!

A BIG Accomplishment this Month...

Walking up the steps unassisted!!

Taa Daa!!!

Whether outside,
or inside...
a GREAT day has to include bubbles!!


  1. WOW - she has made huge leaps!!! She is absolutely beautiful!

  2. Kelly,
    What a wonderful and blessed family! I am trying to post, but not sure you are receiving. We are adopting a little girl born June 22, 2008 from Suzhou! I am thinking your Eva may have been with our Samantha in the Orphanage. I would love to talk with you. Reach me at Best Wishes! Shari
