Monday, April 30, 2012


Today began very early when I literally plucked Eva out of her bed at 6 am and put her in the car for an early morning road trip.  After picking up our friend Mar Mar (Mary) we hit the road to New Orleans. 
Why the rush East you ask??!!  To reunite two precious little girls who began their lives together in Suzhou, China....
Eva & Quinn
Janet (Quinn's Mommy) and I met in an online yahoo group of families with children from the same orphanage that Eva is from.  Quinn came home about 5 months after Eva did in 2010, and I was thrilled when Janet shared this picture with me of Quinn and Eva (in the yellow) that she found in Quinn's lifebook:
Quinn and her family live in Los Angeles, but were in New Orleans for this weekend's Jazz Festival.  We were able to meet up today in City Park's Story Land and watch the girl's play together once again!

Pitching pennies into the fountain/pool quickly turned into feeding goldfish crackers to these two ducks that swooped in right as we were taking photos!  This was truly the highlight of the park!!

The mommies and our princesses (we were in Cinderella's pumpkin carriage)!
After playing at the park, we headed out and enjoyed a nice Italian lunch together.  Quinn really loved her spaghetti & meatballs and Baba's hat!!

Unfortunately our visit was much too short and we had to part ways so that the Quattrocchi's could catch their flight home on time.
We have been so blessed to get to know some great families through their blogs.  To meet in person is really a very neat thing!  Having followed their family blog for almost two years now, I would have recognized Janet, Al and Quinn anywhere and it was really more like catching up with old friends than a first time meet because we knew so much about one another already.  

Eva may never have the opportunity to know any of her biological family, but I hope to always be able to give her a connection to her "Suzhou Sisters", like Quinn, who knew her before we did!


  1. Omgoodness!! How exciting!! I remember following Quinn's blog when they first brought her home. I so hope one day that our little Suzhou girls can meet!!

  2. We had such a great meeting you in person. It's true - I feel like we've known each other for so long. It was great to meet Mer Mer too. Can't wait for the next visit.

  3. How fun!!! What a blessing to be able to connect with others on similar journeys! I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED all the pictures!!!!
