Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Guangzhou Zoo

I have only one word to describe today...HOT!! Of course this was also the day that we planned to go with two of the other families that we met in Beijing to the Guangzhou Zoo. Unfortunately David wasn't feeling well so he stayed behind in the hotel. Lucky him, nice and cool, while the rest of us melted! Two things that no trip to China, and therefore this blog, would be complete without:

PANDA'SAND, Split Pants!!
The zoo was nice but I think the animals were just as miserable as we were!! We only stayed a couple of hours before heading back to the air conditioned comfort of the hotel! Fortunately Daddy was feeling much better by the time we got back!

For dinner we walked down to Subway; it tasted as good as ours at home! Afterwards we walked around the park. Up until now, Eva has not wanted to walk without holding our hands but tonight she was walking all around the park on her own!


  1. Great pic of "daddy" and his girl! She looks so happy!
    Does that mean you got to see her first steps????

  2. We never made it out to the zoo because our group ended up not wanting to go due to the heat. Looks like you guys did great despite all the heat though! Love the picture of daddy and daughter ~ very precious!
