Monday, July 19, 2010

One Week!

One week ago today we held our precious Eva for the first time! Oh, how my cup overflows with joy for the family that God has created for us. It truly feels like Eva has always been with us and I already can't remember life without her. She is a true joy and blessing that has made our family complete!
You know from my previous post last Wednesday that we have had a few rough patches, but after taking a breath and slowing things down we seem to be making our way. I guess the one thing I have had to remember is not to take it personal and to allow her the time that she needs to process what is going on. Her meltdowns have almost gone away and when she does have one they are relatively short lived.
It is truly amazing the changes in her in just this first week. She seems more relaxed with us now, we see many more smiles, she laughs more and reaches out for us to be held. She loves to ride in the car or stroller; saying "bye-bye" has to include blowing kisses, and she loves to sing (only not on demand with a video camera in her face)! In one week, she has learned to play peek-a-boo and patty cake. She loves shoes (of which we have bought many pairs!) and she doesn't mind wearing the bow in her hair - that's MY girl and I can't wait for you all to meet her!!
Today began with us returning to the clinic to have Eva's TB test checked...Thank God it was negative and she is now cleared from a medical standpoint to enter the United States!! We then decided to walk across the freeway into the city and go to the Herb Market. What a true cultural experience that was!! I'll just let the pictures speak for themself... Snake Jerky!
Even in China, the boys managed to find Lego's!
Getting our laundry back from the Chinese laundry...about 40 pieces for $15!! This evening we went back to Lucy's for dinner and Starbuck's for dessert. There of course has been more shopping, but I have to admit that I am now starting to be ready to come home. I guess because it is so Western here it is easy to be reminded of home and making me miss it more. Only 5 more days left!!


  1. The Berryhill bunch is looking good! I am glad all is well with Miss Eva and can't wait for you all to get home. Eva looks awesome and seems to already be loving her new family. Have fun and happy shopping!
    Love and Blessings,

  2. Ya know, I'd been marveling at how well Miss Eva seemed to be tolerating the hair bows! I never could convince Marisa to keep one in her hair for more than about 5 seconds :-) I'm so glad things are smoothing out for y'all. And thanks *again* for so faithfully posting your updates--Marisa and I are enjoying reading every single one,

  3. Eva looks happier and happier each post. I am glad things are improving. Each day makes such a difference - even 6 months later. God is so good!!! Can't wait to meet Eva.

  4. All those places you are visiting just bring back memories of walking those exact same steps only a few weeks ago... Lucy's, Starbucks, 7-eleven, laundry that came in plastic wrapping ~ neatly folded, the statues, the endless photo shoots of the brides-to-be :), the daughter that we were getting to know, the White Swan :)
    Glad to hear that Eva is doing better everyday! Adoption truly is just one step at a time....Enjoy the rest of your time there!
