Friday, July 23, 2010

Hello from Hong Kong

Just a quick post (sorry no pictures) to let you know that we safely arrived in Hong Kong this evening about 8:00pm. I was sorry that we weren't able to get here earlier to see some of this beautiful city. The drive in was gorgeous. There are more mountains and water than I expected. It appears more modern and has a sophisticated feeling to it.
We are all pretty tired from traveling and have to leave the hotel at 6:00am to be at the airport on time. So it's just dinner and bed for us here in Hong Kong.
I won't post again until we are home, unless we miss a connection or something tomorrow.


  1. We can't wait to see you guys and to give sweet little Eva a hug! Praying for safe travel!

  2. Glad you made it to Hong Kong! It really is a great city... we enjoyed our 3 days there on the way to get Selah. You will probably be on your way to the airport soon.. will be praying that you catch all connecting flights and that there will not be any delays and the flight itself will go smoothly and you'll all get some rest! Blessings!

  3. Can't believe that your trip is coming to a close. May God bless you with safe and easy travel home.
